Dear Valued clients, non-clients and friends,
Thank you so much for the kind words that I received regarding this mini website. I am so deeply touched by your support and I hope my small effort will go a long way.
One of the common topics that has become an utmost concern from Malaysian employers is regarding procedure for multiple entry with a valid working permit. This procedure applies especially for housemaids going back home for a short break.
The question is :
1)What is the impact if the employer overlooked the above procedure?
- The maid may be suspended from leaving the Indonesian port of exit until a fiscal payment of IDR 1M being settled.
- The commotion at the airport may cause your maid to miss her flight
- The officer at the airport may also take advantage of your confused maid by confiscating her passport and demand higher payment for its release
2)What is the impact if the maid (intentionally or unintentionally) fail to return?
-Refer to my earlier posting on how to handle improper exit
-Employer will be imposed a RM250 fine and must be settled before hiring a replacement/new maid
Tips for risk management
a) If possible, plan your maid to take leave nearing her permit expiration. A lead time of 1-2 months is recommended. Proceed with renewal processes immediately upon her return.
b) Do not purchase her return ticket unless you are 120% sure that your maid will return. Air Asia ticket will only require confirmation number which can be communicated to your maid via sms/email/fax (don't forget to keep her Indonesian contact number)
c) Write a simple letter to Immigration mentioning that your maid is taking a short break for a duration of time and expected to return by certain date. Attach a copy of her ticket as proof. Take both documents to Immigration for endorsement. In the event that your maid fail to show up, these documents will be a valid proof that you have "properly" deported her and the Immigration may consider waiving the RM250 fine for that matter.
d) Hold RM250 from your maid's salary and refund upon her return.
The information above should answer to some of your questing mind.
Posted by WARISAN SRIKANDI SERVICES & CONSULTANCY on Saturday, December 15, 2007Dear valued clients, non-clients and friends,
I've been approached regarding housemaid termination procedure by known and unknown callers so many times now that I think I have to post something to that effect. Unfortunately most of the callers realised that they have missed out this procedure upon submission of their new maids!!! There goes your RM250 for being ignorant.
Please be reminded that, without the proper check out memo (C.O.M) you are still subject to the RM250 fine - for not deporting your maid according to the procedure (even if you have a sound proof that your maid has been properly deported)
sample check out memo
Failing to apply for C.O.M may cause an adverse effect such as :
- you are not allowed to apply for your new maid until you settle the RM250 fine
- your ex-maid may have problem applying for new employment in Malaysia and/or other countries
-your ex-maid's name may be blacklisted by Indonesian Immigration for future employment for the "sin" done by her ex-employer
So please be a responsible employer and be updated with this employment procedure. Housemaid employment has been here for decades and the trend is here to stay, like it or not, we have to be in the know.
signing off,
Posted by WARISAN SRIKANDI SERVICES & CONSULTANCY on Thursday, August 30, 2007PERSATUAN Agensi Pembantu Rumah Asing (Papa) mencadangkan setiap pengambilan pembantu rumah mestilah melalui agensi dan memansuhkan pengambilan secara individu. Alasan mereka, ada kes orang gaji yang diambil secara individu didera dan tidak mempunyai tempat pengaduan. Soalnya, berapa peratus kes penderaan membabitkan pembantu rumah persendirian berbanding melalui agensi? Saya sendiri mempunyai seorang pembantu rumah yang saya ambil secara sendiri dan setakat ini sudah hampir dua tahun tidak mempunyai apa-apa masalah. Kalau benar persatuan berkenaan hendak memansuhkan pengambilan secara persendirian, selaraskan nilai pembayaran bagi urusan itu.
Berbanding melalui agensi, pengambilan secara persendirian boleh berjimat sehingga RM2,000. Sanggupkah persatuan menurunkan pembayaran melalui agensi sebanyak itu?Bagaimana pula keadaannya dengan kebanyakan pembantu rumah melalui agensi yang melarikan diri? Masing-masing mempunyai pro dan kontranya.
Perlu diingat bahawa kebanyakan orang yang mengambil pembantu rumah ini adalah daripada golongan sederhana membabitkan suami isteri bekerja.Janganlah dibebani dengan penguatkuasaan pengambilan pembantu rumah melalui agensi yang mengenakan bayaran sehingga RM6,000 berbanding secara persendirian antara RM3,000 dan RM4,000 saja.
Posted by WARISAN SRIKANDI SERVICES & CONSULTANCY on Saturday, August 18, 2007A lesson .. worth sharing....
“No, I don’t want this type of fries. I always had the crinkled-cut type here. Not this one!” complained the man sitting next to my table where I dined with a friend that day.
What? I couldn’t believe what I just overheard. Is this man for real?
I tried to focus on my conversation with my friend but my head was spinning in dizziness with the man’s outburst. He got upset for having to eat a differently-cut fries? Goodness, I was staggered with his ridiculousness and pettiness. How I wished he wasn’t so loud, I could have enjoyed my lunch!
Arguing about having to eat a differently-cut fries which has not even an iota of variation in its taste was appalling. Why must a person insist in making a mountain out of a small mole?
Truly, Richard Armour has said it wisely…In larger things we are convivial; what causes trouble is the trivial
And how trivial was the matter he pursued. I reflected on myself if I have ever been that way. Have I ever made things difficult for anyone unnecessarily? Have I ever become petty-focused in my daily dealings?
I remembered a lovely advice by beloved Prophet SAW…
"Anas reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Make things easy for people and do not make them difficult...." [Agreed upon]
Subhanallaah, we are asked to always make things easy for others. Take the easy way and avoid being a difficult, cranky, grumpy and an annoying person. It is a sunnah that we make things easy and by following it, we show that we love him.
I know I have to make a choice– Show my love for him by making my dealings with others simple and easy OR; I could choose to become the crinkled-cut fries-man!
Let me tell you a secret- with my number of young years I am at right now, I would avoid the word crinkle at any cost!
That’s my choice, what are yours my friends? Care to share them with me? :))
Sis Zabrina
Posted by WARISAN SRIKANDI SERVICES & CONSULTANCY on Saturday, August 11, 2007 Please click on the image for better view
- source of information : PT Maharani Anugerah Pekerti
- currency conversion date : 11 August 2007
- currency conversion calculator
A NOTE FROM "Your Friendly Housemaid Consultant"
Posted by WARISAN SRIKANDI SERVICES & CONSULTANCY on Wednesday, June 20, 2007Dear VALUED Clients, Friends and Guests,
These were my "nawaitu" when I created this "mini" web:
- to make this web a one-stop-center or a single point of reference on housemaid employment
- to educate my Clients and Friends on the procedures and processes of housemaid application.
- Public awareness - to stop people from falling prey to the unscrupulous Agents or Middle person.
- to give end to end information (start to finish) and simplified processes (flowcharts & graphics) so as to combine education and the "feel" of experience.
" Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't" - Pete Seeger
- to the best of my ability to give advise, to suggest solution and to share my experiences in handling housemaids
It is hope that this little effort will go a long way. Share this web with the rest of your friends and relatives or keep it handy. You wouldn't know when you finally need it.
Thank you for your endless support.
"Your friendly housemaid consultant"