A NOTE FROM "Your Friendly Housemaid Consultant"

on Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dear VALUED Clients, Friends and Guests,

These were my "nawaitu" when I created this "mini" web:

- to make this web a one-stop-center or a single point of reference on housemaid employment

- to educate my Clients and Friends on the procedures and processes of housemaid application.

- Public awareness - to stop people from falling prey to the unscrupulous Agents or Middle person.

- to give end to end information (start to finish) and simplified processes (flowcharts & graphics) so as to combine education and the "feel" of experience.

" Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't" - Pete Seeger

- to the best of my ability to give advise, to suggest solution and to share my experiences in handling housemaids

It is hope that this little effort will go a long way. Share this web with the rest of your friends and relatives or keep it handy. You wouldn't know when you finally need it.

Thank you for your endless support.

"Your friendly housemaid consultant"



MUSLIM housemaid for MUSLIM household only...
