on Thursday, August 30, 2007

PERSATUAN Agensi Pembantu Rumah Asing (Papa) mencadangkan setiap pengambilan pembantu rumah mestilah melalui agensi dan memansuhkan pengambilan secara individu. Alasan mereka, ada kes orang gaji yang diambil secara individu didera dan tidak mempunyai tempat pengaduan. Soalnya, berapa peratus kes penderaan membabitkan pembantu rumah persendirian berbanding melalui agensi? Saya sendiri mempunyai seorang pembantu rumah yang saya ambil secara sendiri dan setakat ini sudah hampir dua tahun tidak mempunyai apa-apa masalah. Kalau benar persatuan berkenaan hendak memansuhkan pengambilan secara persendirian, selaraskan nilai pembayaran bagi urusan itu.

Berbanding melalui agensi, pengambilan secara persendirian boleh berjimat sehingga RM2,000. Sanggupkah persatuan menurunkan pembayaran melalui agensi sebanyak itu?Bagaimana pula keadaannya dengan kebanyakan pembantu rumah melalui agensi yang melarikan diri? Masing-masing mempunyai pro dan kontranya.

Janganlah mengeksploitasi satu masalah dan menutup masalah lain. Jadi, saya tidak setuju jika permintaan persatuan diluluskan.Berkaitan insuran, memang dialu-alukan kerana ia saling membantu pembantu dan majikan sekiranya terjadi kejadian tidak diingini.Diharap kerajaan mengambil pandangan dari segala sudut dan janganlah undang-undang dilaksanakan bagi menguntungkan sebelah pihak saja.

Perlu diingat bahawa kebanyakan orang yang mengambil pembantu rumah ini adalah daripada golongan sederhana membabitkan suami isteri bekerja.Janganlah dibebani dengan penguatkuasaan pengambilan pembantu rumah melalui agensi yang mengenakan bayaran sehingga RM6,000 berbanding secara persendirian antara RM3,000 dan RM4,000 saja.

Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang.


on Saturday, August 18, 2007

A lesson .. worth sharing....

“No, I don’t want this type of fries. I always had the crinkled-cut type here. Not this one!” complained the man sitting next to my table where I dined with a friend that day.

What? I couldn’t believe what I just overheard. Is this man for real?

I tried to focus on my conversation with my friend but my head was spinning in dizziness with the man’s outburst. He got upset for having to eat a differently-cut fries? Goodness, I was staggered with his ridiculousness and pettiness. How I wished he wasn’t so loud, I could have enjoyed my lunch!

Arguing about having to eat a differently-cut fries which has not even an iota of variation in its taste was appalling. Why must a person insist in making a mountain out of a small mole?

Truly, Richard Armour has said it wisely…In larger things we are convivial; what causes trouble is the trivial

And how trivial was the matter he pursued. I reflected on myself if I have ever been that way. Have I ever made things difficult for anyone unnecessarily? Have I ever become petty-focused in my daily dealings?

I remembered a lovely advice by beloved Prophet SAW…

"Anas reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Make things easy for people and do not make them difficult...." [Agreed upon]

Subhanallaah, we are asked to always make things easy for others. Take the easy way and avoid being a difficult, cranky, grumpy and an annoying person. It is a sunnah that we make things easy and by following it, we show that we love him.

I know I have to make a choice– Show my love for him by making my dealings with others simple and easy OR; I could choose to become the crinkled-cut fries-man!

Let me tell you a secret- with my number of young years I am at right now, I would avoid the word crinkle at any cost!

That’s my choice, what are yours my friends? Care to share them with me? :))

Sis Zabrina
As a 'Life Storyteller', Sis Zabrina writes motivational stories for reflection of hearts and minds. Focusing and analyzing on life daily happenings with unique perspectives, blending them with Quranic verses and authentic hadeeths. Inspirational quotes, proverbs, poems and prose from all walks of life are used. Stories are themed as motivation and inspiration, character development and human relationship. Islam is easy to follow, simple, relevant and complete


on Saturday, August 11, 2007

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- source of information : PT Maharani Anugerah Pekerti

- currency conversion date : 11 August 2007

- currency conversion calculator

- other related story


on Saturday, August 4, 2007

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MUSLIM housemaid for MUSLIM household only...
